Thursday, December 19, 2013

Some New Wood Projects

Ornery and I have been working on a few Christmas gifts, and while he had HIS part mostly done weeks ago, I have been dragging my feet on starting my part.  This week, I had run out of time, so here are the first three.  The rest will likely happen after the holidays, but who knows, I may get wild and finish them off before that!  :)

Two things close to my heart are MAIL and ORGANIZATION!  So, these little wooden letter holders which deal with both those things AND enabled me to use some art and craft supplies, seemed like a pretty cool gift idea to me!  I hope the recipients like them!


JoJo said...

Those are beautiful and I can't see how the recipients won't love them!

andi filante said...

They are beautiful. You did good, girl. :)