Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Blogging A to Z: A is for ART

Art from my Heart, Just for YOU!

April is here!! It's time for daily blogging, lots of visitors and meeting new friends.  In other words, time for the Blogging A to Z challenge hosted by Arlee Bird and his team of minions.  Thousands of other bloggers from all over the world participate in this blog hop each year, and anyone may join in as long as they blog each day during the month of April, (except Sundays) the blog posts correspond to the appropriate letter for that day, and they sign up on the link list. Simple!

So, my theme for this year's series of posts is art, more specifically art as it pertains to my style--mixed media.

art 1

a. The conscious use of the imagination in the production of objects intended to be contemplated or appreciated as beautiful, as in the arrangement of forms, sounds, or words.
b. Such activity in the visual or plastic arts: takes classes in art at the college.
c. Products of this activity; imaginative works considered as a group: art on display in thelobby.
2. field or category of art, such as music, ballet, or literature.
3. nonscientific branch of learning; one of the liberal arts.
4. skill that is attained by study, practice, or observation: the art of negotiation. SeeSynonyms at skill.
a. arts Artful devices, stratagems, and tricks.
b. Artful contrivance; cunning.
6. Printing Illustrative material, especially in contrast to text.

For the purposes of my posts, we will go with the first definition (thank you FreeDictionary!) only  it won't be sounds or words, just forms.  Some may see the things I do and think they are better classified as crafts.

A craft is an activity such as weaving, carving, or pottery that involves making things skilfully by hand,often in a traditional way. When craft has this meaning, its plural form is crafts. (from the Free Dictionary again)

To me, the word art conjures up images of brilliant colors, aesthetically pleasing or stimulating vignettes, and created objects that invite the viewer for a closer look. That is one of the reasons mixed-media art is so appealing to me. I often want to jump inside the work and see how all those layers went together to create an image so different from any of its parts.

I am fairly new to the creative field of mixed media art, but it's what I spend a great deal of time creating these days, and I hope to share some of the things I have learned with my readers. Oh, and welcome to the new readers! :)  Some days the featured letter will apply to several related words, and that is the case today!

Another word for the letter A as it applies to my theme is Alter. Artists are quite imaginative with the objects they change in the name of their craft.  Some of the things I have altered are books, frames,

Rolodex cards,

and playing cards. (Altered Rolodex cards are referred to as Rolos and playing cards are APC's.)  But truly, there is no limit to the lengths artists will go to alter something!

Throughout the month I will be sharing more on this topic.

Three important things in my art arsenal are acrylic paints, alcohol ink and adhesive.

As the month progresses, I will be sharing links, inspiration and bits and pieces of my own creations.  I hope you will come back and visit often, and please leave a comment.  I have comment verification turned off so it will be painless. :) Thanks for dropping by!


Robyn Proctor said...

These are so creative!

Trisha said...

What I love about art is that anything can become art! :) I have transformed terrible photos of myself into works of art, with some texta pens, before. Makes them so much better than they were!

Bob/Sally said...

Very cool - I love the idea of Altered Art.

Doreen McGettigan said...

I am going to enjoy your theme. I love the letter A, so creative. Good Luck with the challenge!

betty said...

Since I'm not creative or an artist in any way, I always enjoy looking at other people's works and to learn more about art. I like the rolodex card!


Sarah Allan said...

You're so creative! I try my best, but express myself best through my writing. I'd love to take a few art classes, though, to shake things up! Happy A-Zing!

Anonymous said...

Very cool.
I remember in high school my art teacher told me to try mixed art and I misunderstood him and kept doing drawings with pencil and charcoal.

~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

Wendy of the Rock said...

I have a feeling your blog is going to make me feel like an artless clot!
Wendy at Wendy of The Rock

Birgit said...

This is so great! I create cards so I love it when I see art and how people are inspired

andi filante said...

Oh yay art! I love your art. :)
