Monday, May 18, 2015

Weekend in Review: Anniversary Celebration

Tomorrow is our 36th wedding anniversary! Yes, Ornery has stuck it out for all those years and even says he still loves me! :)  I know that I am more in love with him every day, and our lives seem to be just getting richer and fuller as the days pass.

So, this weekend we celebrated.  We went out to Panera for breakfast on Saturday morning, then to lunch at a Mexican restaurant for a late lunch/early supper. We have been eating much cleaner and I started on some new supplements designed to detoxify and balance my system, (more on that another time) so the different foods did not set well with me and I ended up feeling pretty raunchy all morning on Sunday.  But, we did do something over the weekend that we have been talking about for a couple of weeks, and at the encouragement of Ali Brown via her free e-book, 100 Ways to Elevate your Success, we reworked our office space to make it more business-like for both of us.

We purchased another chair mat and two magnetic white boards, and replaced our old ceiling light fixture with a new ceiling fan.  The old light only had two bulbs and didn't give much light, so the new one with four lights, even at only 40W each, is still brighter.  The fan is nice, too, since the huge picture window lets a lot of heat in during the morning hours.   Ornery rearranged the furniture we already had in there to accommodate a space for me to work so I could separate my art from my business tasks. I'll be taking my chair back and forth between the two rooms until we buy me another chair, but it works for now. We also spent some more time refining our goals then working with each other to get past some hurdles.

Ornery often struggles with articulating his feelings; in fact sometimes even feeling things.  So I helped him with some visualizing and walked him through a few feelings, hopefully which he will be able to replicate later. He helped me to set a realistic schedule for my writing, household tasks, and webcasts. I tend to plow through lots of stuff on Monday, then by Wednesday I am burned out because I didn't take any time for myself.  He encouraged me to build in some "me-time" which I did.  Then, once I have accomplished all my goals for the week, I am scheduled to take a whole day--no cooking, cleaning or any work, just play.  I can tell you that is a challenge for me! However, today went like clockwork and the accomplishments are energizing.

Learning how to care for myself, not just the basics of eat and sleep, but also how to be kind to myself in other ways is something I am really working on right now. Elizabeth and I were visiting about this during her morning coffee time, and I said, "I make a huge list of 732 things to do, and rather than celebrating that I accomplished 700 of those things, I lament the 32 I didn't get done."  So, I am changing that and celebrating each and every victory!  I'm sure my coaches will be pleased to hear that! :)

I am super excited about my writing this week.  I have several blocks of time built into my schedule to work on my memoirs, but I also have some open times and I hope to flesh out a second book --an idea that came to me as a result of conversations Ornery and I had this weekend about feelings.  I have a list of thoughts already written down, and I am really excited about where this could go. So, while I hope to move forward with my memoirs, I am not just focusing on that.

I signed up for a writing Boot Camp that begins tomorrow; I think it is just one video per week, but is to cover all aspects of self-publishing and writing a book. Since I have paid for the subscription to take it, I am hoping I will utilize it fully, and capitalize on all the pointers, hints and ideas that I am given. I am also enjoying Brendon Burchard's High Performance Academy videos, and am learning all sorts of things about myself in the process.  For a young whipper-snapper he seems to be pretty on the ball. :)

I guess that's about all I have to say about our weekend. It was nice to be with my beloved the whole time, and it was a bonus to see him so excited about the office makeover.  I don't think I realized how much I have missed being in there with him, and evidently he has missed it, too.


Families of the Nations said...

Happy Anniversary!

We are married just two years more than you and celebrated early by spending two days away in beautiful Kamiah, ID to relax and jam and enjoy the people and surroundings. Paul cared for Arthur at home, a real treat for us!

Your days of celebrating sounded very full of real, down to earth fun interaction and you sound energized!

Birgit said...

So many people would love to have a marriage like yours. Sure there are ups and downs but true love is there. It makes me happy to know you had a wonderful weekend.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi to the two of you - congratulations and well done ... and it seems like you're gearing up for many years ahead.

I endorse what Birgit said .. many would love to have that love that you two share ... enjoy and continue doing so - and here's to many happy more years .. cheers Hilary